Do you want to know how you can add more years to your lifespan?

By: Reitumetse Mahloane

Healthy by Choice is hosting an event on April 7th 2024. The event is a cooking demonstration event, educating people about health. The company does not advertise a healthy lifestyle only for people to get the gist of the matter, however, they educate people on healthy living.

A healthy lifestyle is not just the absence of disease or illness, it is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Meaning that, good life, is also about eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and getting plenty of rest. Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses.

Lifestyle is the most prevailing factor that affects one’s fitness levels, hence feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health are important for self-esteem. Eating healthy may help one to live longer, and help boost immunity. It also keeps skin, teeth, and eyes healthy. Moreover, it supports muscles and strengthens bones.

Healthy by Choice is an organization established in 2008; was registered in 2013 and is currently located at Pioneer mall. As the name implies, no one is forced to be heathy, everyone is given a choice to make their own decisions. The company puts the client in control, not forcing dietary suggestions on people, rather giving allowing the chance to make personal choices.

A Healthy lifestyle encompasses behaviors that promote well-being, reduce stress prevalence, and increase life expectancy – and that is why Healthy by Choice points out their food as medicine, as all their food has adequate nutrition.  The purpose of the cooking demonstration is to make people understand that healthy living is not boring, as most people believe that living healthily is minimized to only eating vegetables.

The Healthy by Choice executive chef for whole wheat plant based diet, Nala Khechane, says that life and death is in the kitchen, and what one puts in their trolley determines whether they will live or die. Hence the cooking demonstration initiative. Khechane explains that one does not necessarily die immediately if they do not maintain a healthy lifestyle, however eating unhealthy food causes slow death.

 “We also educate people that it is better to actually cure our bodies through food that is medicine, let your food be thy medicine, and let that medicine be thy food.” She recalls.

A junior Chef, Malla Lethoko, who has been with Healthy by Choice for some time, says she still basks in the comfort of an amazing experience in the organization, owing to what she has learned since her being part of the Healthy by Choice team. She has not only been cooking for others, but has been keeping herself informed about healthy living choices. She mostly enjoys being there because they cook healthy food, most of which she is able to cook create healing dishes from.

In closing, this is a great initiative, because the cooking demonstration is one way to educate people on healthy living. To make people aware of the choices they have been making regarding how they maintain their lifestyles, whether they have been making the right choices for themselves or not. Also to educate and help them with a way forward, in order to maintain a well-deserved healthy and reliable livelihood.
