By: Lebohang Maluke


-This unacceptable behavior of eight children suspected for throwing tourists and injuring one with stones has caught the attention of the Minister of Tourism, Sports, Arts and Culture, Hon. Motlatsi Maqelepo who has vowed to take action and ensure the safety of all visitors to Lesotho.

Many tourists are flocking to Afriski in Lesotho, a popular ski resort nestled in the Maluti Mountains. However, what was supposed to be a fun and memorable holiday for some tourists turned into a scary and dangerous experience when they were ambushed by a group of children throwing stones at them.

A group of 8 children, believed to be from a nearby village, were caught throwing stones at tourists passing by on their way to Afriski. The incident, which took place on the main road leading to the resort, left some tourists with minor injuries and others traumatized.

This deplorable act has raised concerns not only for the safety of tourists, but also for the image of Lesotho as a welcoming and hospitable tourist destination. In response to this incident, the Minister of Tourism, Sports, Arts and Culture, Hon. Motlatsi Maqelepo, has strongly condemned the behavior of the children and declared it as completely unacceptable.

In a statement release, Hon. Maqelepo expresses his disappointment and concern over the incident, stating that the safety and well-being of all tourists is of utmost importance to us. Such behavior towards visitors is not only disrespectful but also undermines the efforts of our government in promoting Lesotho as a must-visit destination.

He further added, that the culprits involved in this incident will be dealt with according to the law, and they will not tolerate any actions that jeopardize the safety and security of visitors. They will work hand in hand with the law officers in the investigations to ensure that justice is served and that this does not happen again.

Maqelepo’s swift response and strong stance on this matter demonstrates the government’s commitment to protecting the tourism industry in Lesotho. This incident also highlights the need for community involvement and educating communities on the importance of welcoming and respecting tourists, who bring significant economic benefits to the country.

This is not the first time Lesotho has faced issues with unruly behavior towards tourists. In 2018, a group of South African bikers were also attacked with stones while passing through Lesotho. Such incidents not only tarnish the country’s reputation but also discourage potential visitors from choosing Lesotho as their holiday destination.

As the winter season is in full swing and more tourists are expected to visit Afriski. The Minister has reassured visitors that measures are being taken to ensure their safety.

He has reiterated that tourists are safe in Lesotho and that those responsible for the incident will be held accountable.

They want to assure all the visitors and the world at large that Lesotho remains a safe destination for tourists, acknowledging the impact of the incident on the country’s reputation. They will not tolerate any acts of violence or harassment towards visitors and they are taking swift action to ensure that this does not happen again.

The Government of Lesotho, is deeply remorseful for the unfortunate stone-throwing incident that took place recently in Maseru, committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all visitors, and they are deeply saddened by the harm that was caused to the affected tourist. They extend their sincere apologies for this incident and assure the tourist and all visitors that they are taking swift action to bring the perpetrators to justice.

They understand that this incident may have shaken their trust in our country as a safe and welcoming destination. This incident serves as a reminder of the need for all of us, citizens and visitors alike, to work together in maintaining a safe and harmonious environment in Lesotho.

The Government is committed to ensuring that all tourists and civilians receive the highest level of hospitality and security, and we hope that this unfortunate event will not deter future visitors from experiencing the beauty and warmth of our nation. Moving forward, strive to uphold shared values of peace, respect, and understanding.