Professor JJ Tabane and the Sgwili Media Group hosted journalists and media houses for a luncheon and idea-sharing session, the aim being to foster discussions that will contribute to the growth of the media industry in Lesotho and other parts of Africa.
The conversations were mainly centered on the need for capacity building for Basotho journalists. Bringing to light the very limited resources media houses are working with to produce news for the public. This has led to the “African story being told poorly” mentioned Professor JJ Tabane.
The tendency of news networks and publications to solely focus on the negative aspects of African News was also raised as a concern. Such as the outbreaks of war, rebel group risings, corruption, and governmental instability to name a few. This negative focus has left so many other sectors unexplored and this presents our countries to the world as one-dimensional or lacking in depth.
There is a need for holistic news programs that integrate news with culture and do not only focus on the negative.
“To change the world, we change our continent, and to change the continent we need to change ourselves”
Professor JJ Tabane was consistent in mentioning the importance of a well-informed and educated journalist. He encouraged media houses and journalists alike to invest in self-development and to never stop growing.
The invited journalists and media houses echoed his sentiments and reiterated that for media to transform, things must be done differently.