By Boitumelo Ramoeletsi

MASERU – Bold Couture Pty Ltd is a clothing brand that was established by the undeniable vision of entrepreneurial genius Tebello Zacharia, a partner of the Finite Lifestyle Club. Bold Couture was primarily formed in 2016 but was officially registered in November 2021 and came in effective in September 2022 after winning the BEDCO Business Plan Competition.

The couture offers fabric, woolen clothes, Deco, and accessories, targets individuals who buy for personal consumption as well as those who buy to resell. “We supply pajamas, robes, bonnets, satin pillowcases, headbands, and scrunches at wholesale prices to other businesses such as boutiques, beauty salons, and beauty spas,” Stated Zacharia.

Another goal of the store is to foster job creation and encourage employment. Unemployment is a concern lately but through entrepreneurship skills, unemployment can be defeated. It works as a booster of economic growth by introducing innovative products and services. The aim is to grow bigger and by aggregating productive ideas to implement indigenous products for Basotho.

The essence of specialty in Bold Couture emanates from both tailor-made and readily available products. “We handcraft unique quality products and supply both individually and in stock hence this makes us stand out.” She clarifies. The store caters to the needs and wants of valued customers and deliver quality goods as well as provide effective and efficient services.

Speaking of her journey in partnership with Finite Lifestyle Club, she expresses that the experience has been nothing but amazing, not to mention how much Finite has been of help to her in gaining recognition from Basotho through publicizing the interview on Finite Women Empowerment show that airs on every Fridays at 8:30 pm on LTV channel 292. “The feedback after the program was outstanding because I gained a lot of clientele.” Moreover, she continued to clarify that this also stimulates customers in her store. Additionally, she clarifies that Finite Lifestyle Club members receive a 10% discount when purchasing from the Bold Couture store.

No business can thrive in the absence of challenges and according to Tebello, succeeding as a small business in an economically struggling country requires a significant level of dedication and three times as much effort compared to countries that are economically well-off. However, she continues that thankfully, Basotho consumers are slowly but surely recognizing the value of locally made products, and local brands such as Bold Couture are working hard to enhance the quality of their goods.

“Bold Couture greatly appreciates the support it has received from its customers, and it is through this support that it will continue to flourish.” She closes.  It is located at Lithabaneng Mahlabatheng (khotsong2) and currently operates on Mondays to Fridays from 08:00 am to 16:00pm. If you would like to know more about the store and its products, kindly contact +266 59818064. They are also available on social media platforms as BOLD COUTURE.